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QA/QC Policy

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“We Care about our Work and our Workers”

​It is the intention of DAKOTELIN to manage the company’s activities in such a way that the right quality is achieved at the right time for products as well as services.

This shall be obtained by the use of documented quality systems which are based on the following principles:

• Quality is always a line responsibility

• Verification and approval shall be made by other persons than the one who performed the work.

• The work and the inspection of the work shall be performed in a planned and systematic manner in accordance with an approved quality standard.


DAKOTELIN’s quality system is based on NS-ISO 9001 (Standard for quality assurance in design/development, production, installation and servicing).  In addition to serve as a guiding tool in the daily work of each individual employee, the system shall be used in contractual situations where reference is made to this standard.

It is of fundamental importance that each employee is made aware of DAKOTELIN’s quality objectives and policy as well as requirements and commitments with regard to quality, according to NS – ISO 9001, and the instructions and procedures to be used to meet this standard.

The company will therefore continually educate the entire work force in the fundamentals of quality assurance and stress the importance of the “right first time” principle, and that the responsibility for assurance of quality lies with all employees.

The quality system of DAKOTELIN is also designed to document that requirements put forward in a contract with a customer, are fulfilled.  This implies that contractual requirements shall be identified by responsible personnel and that all contractual documents shall be verified, approval, recorded and filed.

It is the company’s policy to aggressively seek opportunities for improvement of quality in all respect as well as reduction of quality costs, whilst retaining competitiveness. This shall be achieved through continuous recording and control of quality problems, research and development within the company, training of personnel and good communication with suppliers and customers.

Safety with regard to health and environment shall be taken into account for all activities within DAKOTELIN.  This implies that safety shall be planned and that DAKOTELIN shall use relevant documentation on health and environment for evaluation of development, work and for choosing products and systems.
